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The Sensory Parcel Service works in collaboration with Arts Venues to identify upcoming activities across North Wales that will potentially be of interest in a multi-sensory accessible way – each month “Sensory Parcels” are created and sent out to participating day centres, the parcels are the catalyst for sensory activities for the month led by care staff that can include day trips, sensory workshops, and creation of sensory artwork and installations in the centres.

The idea of the “Sensory Parcel Service” is that it will deliver new sensory ideas for stimulating meaningful activities into the heart of the day centre once a month. Using the continuous stream of new performances, events, and exhibitions, care staff will be inspired to come up with new ideas and challenges and maintain the enthusiasm and excitement to keep their job exciting and pass on the positive energy to the people they work with.

The parcels are carefully developed each month by professional artists and guest artists containing sensory objects, sounds and smells along with suggestions for sensory interactive activities and trips.

Working closely with local venues who will be prepared to welcome accessible visits, behind the scenes tours and gallery workshops as part of the Sensory Parcel Service.

Training Days for care staff and support workers at participating venues will focus on confidence building, creativity and sharing inspirational ideas – tools and skills for leading creative sessions.

Artist led sensory workshops at participating day centres and cultural venues will help to inspire creativity and build confidence in staff as well as modelling good practice.

The Sensory Parcel Service is aimed at Day Centres for People with PMLD and Autism, but we think that Residential Care homes for older people and Special schools may also benefit.

The packs will be made available for individuals and families too.

The ambition is that day centres will begin to look forward with anticipation to the arrival of the parcel each month and for it to play a key role in the delivery of meaningful daily activities of the centres.

Creating a positive environment and impacting on the health and wellbeing of staff and carers and the people they care for.

Sustaining links with cultural venues in the area will be a positive move towards a more integrated and accepting community.

Funded by Arts Wales and North Wales Together, DLL for voluntary organisations and with support from participating Day Centres

The staff and people attending Y Bont Day centre in Ruthin are our consultants for each of the Sensory Parcels – trialing workshop sessions and activity ideas before they are sent out to day centres across North Wales.

They are also responsible for the packing of each parcel.

Our cultural partners include Ty Pawb, Ruthin Craft Centre, Galeri, TAPE community music and film, MOSTYN, RCA, Conwy Culture Centre.

Ella Jones sensory handling collection 

Download Ella’s Sensory Parcel Info above

Ella Louise Jones recent exhibition in Galeri Caernarfon

Ticky Lowe