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Sensory Boxes

  • Making Memories Creative Reminiscence Packs – “Play” Coming Soon

  • “Making Memories” Creative Reminiscence packs – Childhood at Home – Coming Soon


Online resources

Care Creatively

Care Creatively is an artist led project targeting the health and wellbeing of people living with dementia, by encouraging creativity between care sector staff and individuals at different stages of their dementia journey.

Have a look at our downloadable resources for some creative ideas for workshops.
Logos for RIF small grants fund


Reminiscence and Creativity Pack
This pack contains materials and ideas for Reminiscence and Creative activities linked to our earliest memories of home.

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Pecyn Hel Atgofion a Chreadigrwydd
Mae’r pecyn hwn yn cynnwys deunyddiau a syniadau am weithgareddau hel atgofion a chreadigol sy’n gysylltiedig â’n hatgofion cynharaf am ein cartref.

Darllen Mwy…
Care Creatively - peg doll

“Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!”

Care Creatively - seaside flags

This seaside pack is for all of your residents, it has been designed for people living with dementia, bringing opportunities to collect valuable memories to share with family and friends.

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Mae’r pecyn glan y môr hwn i’ch holl drigolion. Fe’i dyluniwyd ar gyfer pobl sy’n byw gyda dementia, gan roi cyfleoedd i hel atgofion gwerthfawr gyda theulu a ffrindiau.

Darllen Mwy…

Making Memories

This pack is themed around textiles and includes reminiscence objects linked to domestic patterns and handmade textiles.

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Thema’r pecyn hwn yw tecstilau ac mae’n cynnwys gwrthrychau atgofion sy’n gysylltiedig â phatrymau domestig a thecstilau wedi’u gwneud â llaw.

Darllen Mwy…
Care Creatively - making memories

Nature Box

This pack contains materials and ideas for Reminiscence and Creative activities linked to nature. The pack has been designed for people living with dementia in mind with opportunities to collect valuable memories to share with family and friends but the pack is also suitable for anyone to use.

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Mae Gofalu’n Greadigol yn brosiect dan arweiniad artist sy’n targedu iechyd a llesiant pobl sy’n byw efo dementia, trwy annog creadigrwydd rhwng staff y sector gofal ac unigolion ar wahanol gamau ar eu taith dementia.

Darllen Mwy…
Care Creatively - nature box

Dressing up Box

This pack is about dressing up and includes reminiscence objects and activity ideas linked to memories of getting dressed up to go out!

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Care Creatively - dressing up fan

Light Box

This box contains activities and ideas focusing on light.

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Care Creatively - light box

The Sensory Parcel Service

The Sensory Parcel Service  is a MakingSenseCIO project to provide sensory resources and activity ideas in collaboration with artists and arts venues across North Wales.

We are making sensory activity packs and digital resources for adults with Profound and Multiple learning disabilities to use with family and carers.
The digital resources are available free to everyone.

If you would like more information or would like to receive a pack

This project has been funded by North Wales Together.

North Wales Together

Sound Board

Play audio with the Sensory Parcel Service Soundboard…

Open Soundboard

Sensory Textiles

This Sensory Resource has been designed by sensory textile artist Ffion Evans.

Ffion is a local textile artist who explores play and touch to engage with and bring moments of joy and curiosity to people through interaction. “My artwork is made to be touched.”


Dyluniwyd yr adnodd synhwyraidd hwn gan yr artist tecstilau synhwyraidd Ffion Evans.

Mae Ffion yn artist tecstilau lleol sy’n canolbwyntio ar gyffwrdd a chwarae i ymgysylltu gyda a chreu eiliadau o lawenydd a chwilfrydedd i bobl drwy ryngweithio. “Mae ei gwaith celf wedi’i wneud i gael ei gyf-fwrdd.”


Weaving On Driftwood

Sensory resource designed and written by textile artist Laura Thomas.

This mindful activity can also be followed by staff for a bit of time for yourselves!


Adnodd synhwyraidd wedi’i ddylunio a’i ysgrifennu gan yr artist tecstilau Laura Thomas.

Gall staff wneud y gweithgarwch myfyriol hyn hefyd i gael ychydig o amser iddyn nhw eu hunain!


Into the Garden I’r Ardd

This Sensory Parcel has been made in collaboration with movement and physical theatre performer Jane Sutcliffe and photographer & sound maker Stephen Heaton.

This pack is about moving and dancing as well as relaxing and feeling good. It includes creative movement props and activity ideas that will get us all going!


Lluniwyd y Parsel Synhwyraidd hwn mewn cydweithrediad â’r perfformiwr theatr corfforol a symud, Jane Sutcliffe, a’r ffotograffydd a gwneuthurwr seiniau, Stephen Heaton.

Mae’r pecyn hwn yn ymwneud â symud a dawnsio yn ogystal ag ymlacio a theimlo’n dda. Mae’n cynnwys propiau symud yn greadigol a syniadau ar gyfer gweithgareddau a fydd yn cael pawb i symud!


Horizon Gardens Gardd Gorwelion

This Sensory Parcel has been designed for you, by Making Sense’s Ticky Lowe and guest visual artist Jamila Walker.

It’s inspired by “Horizon Gardens” art exhibition at Ty Pawb, Wrexham and explores ideas around community and alternative growing in response to the societal urgencies that are climate change, social isolation, loneliness and food poverty.


Dyluniwyd y Parsel Synhwyraidd hwn ar eich cyfer chi gan Ticky Lowe o gwmni budd cymunedol Making Sense a’r artist gweledol gwadd, Jamila Walker.

Mae’r arddangosfa grŵp yn Nhŷ Pawb yn ystyried syniadau ynghylch cymunedau a thyfu amgen mewn ymateb i argyfyngau cymdeithasol newid yn yr hinsawdd, ynysigrwydd cymdeithasol, unigrwydd a thlodi bwyd.


On Your Table Ar Eich Bwrdd

On Your Table

This Sensory Parcel has been designed for you by ceramicist Lyn Gallager.

“Before designing tableware the maker needs to understand the materials they are working with.” They most likely will have spent years getting to know the properties of different clays, glazes and decorating techniques. Now it is our chance!


Dyluniwyd y Parsel Synhwyraidd hwn ar eich cyfer chi gan y ceramegydd Lyn Gallager.

“Cyn dylunio llestri mae’n rhaid i’r gwneuthurwr ddeall y deunyddiau maen nhw’n gweithio efo nhw.” Mae’n debygol y byddant wedi treulio blynyddoedd yn dod i adnabod priodweddau gwahanol gleiau, gwydreddau a thechnegau addurno. Nawr dyma eich cyfle chi!


Print!! Printio!!


Creative activities and ideas focusing on printmaking designed by Denbigh based artist and printmaker Tara Dean with inspiration taken from Print International Exhibition recently on in Ty Pawb in Wrexham.


Gweithgareddau creadigol a syniadau sy’n canolbwyntio ar greu printiau wedi’u dylunio gan yr artist a’r gwneuthurwr printiau o Ddinbych, Tara Dean, wedi’u hysbrydoli gan arddangosfa Print Rhyngwladol a gynhaliwyd yn ddiweddar yn oriel Tŷ Pawb yn Wrecsam.


Painting Paentio

This box is inspired by an exhibition at MOSTYN Gallery in Llandudno. It is by an artist called Jacqueline de Jong and is called “The Ultimate Kiss”.

She is an Expressionist!


Ysbrydolwyd y blwch hwn gan yr arddangosfa gyfredol yn Oriel MOSTYN yn Llandudno. Enw’r artist yw Jacqueline de Jong a theitl yr arddangosfa yw “The Ultimate Kiss.”

Mae hi’n artist mynegiadol!


We are fragile Rydym i gyd yn fregus

Creative activities inspired by Chris Bird-Jones exhibition.

“Spoons, they hold, pour, stir and measure, they come in all shapes and sizes materials and quantities.
They might be a child’s first tool, administer a saving tonic or be a key component in a ceremony.
Spoons, they are seemingly commonplace, they can be compostable or they can be collectable.
We hold them easily and discard them freely Spoons, peer into one and life is turned upside down.”


Gweithgareddau creadigol wedi’u hysbrydoli gan arddangosfa Chris Bird-Jones.

“Llwyau, maen nhw’n dal, arllwys, troi a mesur, maen nhw i’w cael mewn pob siâp a maint, deunydd a nifer.
Fe allent fod yn dwlsyn cyntaf plentyn, rhoi meddyginiaeth achubol neu fod yn gydran allweddol mewn seremoni.
Gall llwyau, sy’n ymddangos yn gyffredin, fod yn gasgladwy neu’n rhai y gellir eu compostio.
Rydym ni’n eu dal yn hawdd a’u gwaredu’n rhwydd.
Llwyau, syllwch i mewn i un ac mae bywyd yn cael ei droi ben i waered.”


Hands! Dwylo!

This box is inspired by jewellery makers Tatty Devine.

The box of sensory and creative activities to do together has been designed and developed by Making Sense in collaboration with artist Ella Louise Jones.


Mae’r blwch hwn wedi’i ysbrydoli gan y gwneuthurwyr tlysau Tatty Devine.

Lluniwyd y blwch hwn o weithgareddau synhwyraidd a chreadigol i’w gwneud gyda’ch gilydd gan Making Sense mewn cydweithrediad â’r artist Ella Louise Jones.


Felt Making

Carneddau Voices is a collaborative art project between Y caerneddau landscape Partnership, artist Rachel Evans pupils from ysgol Aberconwy and Conwy Archives.

It is inspired by local farming history and folk tales from the area. And this Sensory Parcel is inspired by local sheep and their wool! Here is a simple and sensory guide to making felt from sheeps wool.


Light Sculptures

Creative Activities inspired by Cerith Wyn Evans show at Mostyn art gallery in Llandudno – large scale neon light sculptures hanging from the roof – light sculptures, glass panels, soundscapes and light towers.


The Royal Cambrian Academy

This sensory Parcel has been put together in collaboration with The Royal Cambrian Academy Gallery in Conwy and artist Nadine Carter.

The activities in the pack have been inspired by artworks in their Open Exhibition.


Herb Garden

This sensory parcel has been designed around the herb garden at Conwy Culture Centre.

It has been put together in collaboration with Sensory Textile Artist Ffion Evans. Conwy Culture Centre’s herb and sensory garden is fully accessible and is open to anyone to visit.


Under the Sea

This pack contains materials and ideas for sensory activities linked to Venue Cymru’s Take pART which has as one of its themes this year “Recycling plastic and the sea”.


The sensory packs below are funded by
Arts Council of Wales.

Arts Coiuncil of Wales - Lottery Funded


Sensory Soap Box

This sensory box has been put together by artists Ben Davis and Jude Wood.
Here are some ideas to help you explore soap with the resources included in the box but feel free to experiment!

Blwch Sebon Synhwyraidd

Lluniwyd y blwch synhwyraidd hwn gan yr artistiaid Ben Davis a Jude Wood.
Dyma rai syniadau i’ch helpu chi archwilio sebon gyda’r adnoddau a gynhwysir yn y blwch, ond mae croeso i chi arbrofi!





Once upon a Christmas

This very special box contains the things you will need to prepare for and then settle down to listen to a Christmasy story brought to you by Theatr Clwyd and designed by Theatre Designer Jacob Hughes.

Gwyl Gaeaf

Mae’r blwch arbennig hwn yn cynnwys y pethau fydd eu hangen arnoch chi i baratoi ar gyfer a mwynhau gwrando ar stori Nadoligaidd gan Theatr Clwyd a ddyluniwyd gan y Dylunydd Theatr Jacob Hughes.





Indoor Seaside Experience

We have put together some resources to help you create your own sensory seaside experience at home.

Profiad Glan y Môr dan do

Rydym ni wedi llunio adnoddau i’ch cynorthwyo chi i greu ein pro-fiad synhwyraidd glan y môr yn y cartref.






Blowing in the wind

A sensory pack created by Artist Donna Jones and inspired by the work of Jeweller Jane Adams whose work was recently exhibited at Ruthin Craft Centre.

Pecyn synhwyraidd a grewyd gan yr artist Donna Jones a’i ysbrydoli gan waith y gemydd Jane Adams a fu’n arddangos ei gwaith yng Nghanolfan Grefft Rhuthun yn ddiweddar.





Water Music Paint

This activity is about enjoying music and sound and responding to it in the colours you choose and the marks you make.

Paentio Dyfrllyd i Gerddoriaeth

Mae’r gweithgaredd hwn yn canolbwyntio ar fwynhau cerddoriaeth a sain ac ymateb iddynt gyda’r lliwiau rydych chi’n eu dewis a’r marciau rydych chi’n eu gwneud.




Sensory Weaving with Honor Pedican

This activity is about exploring and enjoying materials and creating a small weaving that you can keep and enjoy.

Gwehyddu Synhwyraidd gyda Honor Pedican

Mae’r gweithgaredd hwn yn ymwneud â theimlo a mwynhau deunyddiau a chreu darn gwehyddu i chi ei gadw a’i fwynhau.

Sensory Weaving with Honor Pedican




Music Box

Within this pack are the materials to make 3 different instruments. Alongside the materials there is a musical soundtrack to help you explore your new instruments and to make some music together.
This pack has been designed for you by Musician and Music therapist Rosie Angell

Mae’r pecyn yn cynnwys deunyddiau i wneud tri offeryn gwahanol. Ochr yn ochr a’r deunyddiau mae trac sain cerddorol i’ch cynorthwyo chi i archwilio’r offerynnau newydd a chreu cerddoriaeth gyda’ch gilydd.
Dyluniwyd y pecyn hwn ar eich cyfer chi gan y cerddor a’r therapydd cerdd Rosie Angell.

Music Box




Sensory Object Box

This pack has been developed by Artist and Art Therapist Sian Hutchinson. The activity is about discovering, unwrapping and enjoying the feel of different sensory objects together.

Datblygwyd y pecyn hwn gan yr Artist a’r Therapydd Celf Sian Hutchinson. Mae’r gweithgaredd yn ymwneud â chanfod, dadorchuddio a mwynhau teimlad gwahanol wrthrychau synhwyraidd gyda’ch gilydd.

Sensory Object Box



Sensory Dance Box

The theme of the box is Autumn. Explore the sounds, smells, textures and visual images of Autumn through movement and music.
Making Sense CIC has collaborated with NEW Dance to bring you this pack!

Croeso i’ch Pecyn Dawns

Thema’r blwch yw’r Hydref.
Archwiliwch synau, arogleuon, gweadau a delweddau gweledol yr Hydref trwy symud a cherddoriaeth.
Mae Making Sense CIC wedi cyd-weithio gyda NEW Dance i greu’r pecyn yma i chi!

Autumn Leaves Poem
Cerdd Dail Yr Hydref



Play with light

This sensory box has been put together by artists Ben Davis and Jude Wood.

Chwarae gyda golau

Lluniwyd y blwch synhwyraidd hwn gan yr artistiaid Ben Davis a Jude Wood.


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